Contains:  Solar system body or event
Ganymede's anti-Jovian Hemisphere, Niall MacNeill

Ganymede's anti-Jovian Hemisphere



Acquisition details



I processed the moon Ganymede by aligning and integrating the best monochrome images for each colour channel in Photoshop. The final monochrome images for each colour were then aligned and RGB combined in Photoshop to produce a colour image. A small amount of wavelet sharpening was then applied in RegiStax. The correlation of features from the WinJUPOS image showing the anti-Jovian face, is quite strong. The bright area at the bottom is the Osiris crater with its bright water ice ejecta. The dark area at top right is Galileo Regio and the darker zone across the centre is Marius Regio. The light coloured zone separating them is Uruk Sulcus. It must have been named after a Klingon.

This view is north up!



Ganymede's anti-Jovian Hemisphere, Niall MacNeill